
News & Announcements for Aryntius
News April Fools 2022
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Happy April Fool's Day, everyone! This year we have a most mighty surprise for both new and returning players.

Introducing the Aryntius RANDOMIZER server!

It's like the normal Legacy gamemode except EVERY monster drop is randomized, allowing players to obtain any item of any tier from any monster. This includes uniques (i.e. every boss has a 100% chance to drop any unique item). Keys, unidentified items, and NPC shops remain the same. You can access the server from the compass in the hub or use the old /experimental command.

Along with this, we have returned the April Fool raid to both versions of the server. You can access it using /aprilfools or /af. The Randomizer server will self destruct by April 30th, 2022 so enjoy it while you can! Good luck, may the clowns be with you.
News Announcing: The Aryntius Network
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Today we are proud to announce the Aryntius Network: the culmination of pretty much everything we've done so far and a platform for all future developments. Uniting everything at its center lies our brand new hub world, built by yours truly in the space of 4 hours. It's not too impressive but it functions, and that's what matters.

With the deployment of the network, we are now in a much better position to test new gamemodes/ideas with the Experimental Server. This can be accessed through the main server selection GUI on the hub server while it is open. We'll give a heads up through a discord ping and website announcement for each new test gamemode and its run duration. To get pinged, assign yourself the new "Ping (Experimental)" role from the #role-assign channel!

News The Aryntius Legacy Server

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Development Manifesto: The Aryntius Legacy Server

For a while now we have entertained the idea of running a legacy server of Aryntius (i.e. the server in its original form with no further changes after Update 2.4.0). The original advantage to this is that players would have something to do while Aryntius II was being developed. But in recent times I have found very little time to actually work on the project, so things have become quite a bit more complicated.

Considering the vast length of time between Aryntius shutting down (June 2019) and now (November 2020) and the sheer size of the player data (roughly 62.5GB total), I made the difficult decision to wipe all existing player data (including builds, inventories, job levels, and mcmmo levels) in order to create a fresh start. Any player that joins the server will now begin with the starter rank and nothing but the clothes on their back.

As for the state of the server, the plan now is to leave the legacy...

Devlog Calm Before the Storm

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Development Manifesto: The Calm Before the Storm

Hello there, it's been a while! A year, almost, to be exact. Yes, it's true. We are bringing the server back. And this website's existence is direct proof of that. However, there will be some very major differences this time around.

The biggest change is that we are replacing our weird survival/RPG hybrid gimmick with something far more consistent and palatable: a full on RPG experience. This means, unfortunately, that players will not be able to build, claim land, brew potions, etc. If the demand is high enough, however, we may open separate servers for other game modes later on. But our primary focus from now on will be delivering the content that made the original server popular; i.e. sprawling dungeons, crazy custom items, and a unique blend of lore, magic, and madness.

We will accomplish this by streamlining progression through the entire server while also increasing the depth of the immersion and...

News Announcement #4

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We have added Xenporta 2 in order to make news articles pretty. Woohoo!


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Sed imperdiet, tellus in pretium efficitur, justo nulla imperdiet arcu, ut consectetur nisi purus non magna. Praesent iaculis egestas erat, malesuada porta mauris vestibulum at. Vivamus sed magna lobortis sapien imperdiet accumsan. Fusce id vehicula ex. Nam ac libero massa. Maecenas hendrerit ante eget nunc lobortis luctus. Donec ac nunc urna. Ut faucibus gravida arcu sed maximus. Maecenas ac quam quis mi molestie placerat. In metus felis, finibus sed nisl et, ornare eleifend diam. Nam nec diam...

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