
Lists of changes for the server

Legacy Content Update 4.1337

  • 1,003
  • 0
UPDATE 4.1337
It's my favorite non-holiday holiday again, so there's new stuff to be around.

  • Added JOKELAND: Realm of the April Fool.
    You can travel there using the command /aprilfools (or /af)
    This zone has resistance disabled, so you may have to alter your build!
  • Added The April Fool Boss Encounter.
    This year's is significantly more challenging than any other boss encounter and has been balanced around players having no resistance (Specifically, the fight should have a noticeable lack of one-shots other than slow missiles and teleport slams). Upon defeat, the boss drops 1 Indecent item and summons a DOUBLE LOOTSPLOSION, which is basically just a normal Lootsplosion but with twice the items.
  • Added 5 new INDECENT ITEMS:
    • Abyssal Scone
      • Weapon (Melee - Sword)
      • Sharpness -1 (Does nothing)
      • You cannot be Hungry.
      • 10%...

Changelog Update 0.0.0

  • 2,032
  • 1
This is the first ever update. And thus it probably has one singular change. However, the purpose of this changelog is to create a format which all further changelogs will inherit. Thus, most of this text is actually filler and serves no purpose other than to add length.

There were some numerous changes this update to some starter items such as the Rusted Iron Sword. They are listed below.

Rusted Iron Sword
  • Damage increased from 0.8 to 1.0.
  • Attack speed increased from 0.25 to 0.3.
  • Now 10% more likely to appear in chests in the starting area.
Worn Leather Boots
  • Movement speed increased from 0.5 to 0.51.
  • Armor value increased from 2 to 3.
Flask of Healing
  • Health restored increased from 50.0 to 100.0.
  • Cooldown decreased from 15.0 seconds to 10.0 seconds.
Flask of Restoration
  • Regeneration value...

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