Originally posted on November 17th, 2017.
This is a small update for 2.0, containing some emergency fixes and a few other adjustments to mechanics.
This is a small update for 2.0, containing some emergency fixes and a few other adjustments to mechanics.
- The Architect no longer spawns 2 invincible clones at 50% health, and will instead spawn 1 clone of a different type at 25% health intervals (which disappear within 10% HP missing). He will, however, spawn 2 clones at 10%, which will remain until death.
- Aquir Justicar will no longer have a recharge animation and will instead have a flat 2.0 second cooldown, similar to Architect's Wisdom.
- Infinity Shard will no longer have a recharge animation and will instead have a flat 2.0 second cooldown, similar to Architect's Wisdom.
- Players can now open chests and interact with NPCs while holding Molten Strike.
- Fixed certain items not actually being unbreakable.
- Fixed certain magic items not triggering attack effects.
- Fixed a 1.12 item duping exploit.