- Rare materials and ores are now significantly more dynamic and easier to obtain.
- Emeralds will now drop in the dungeon.
- Ion Cannon will now drop from any boss in the dungeon.
- Improved droprates of all dungeon loot.
- Helios Stormbow buffed to deal 10.0 damage instead of 5.0 damage.
- Recipe for Helios Stormbow changed to include Astralite instead of Iridium.
- Ion Cannon damage buffed to deal 50.0x3 damage over 10.0x3 damage.
- Mithril now drops from Iron Ore blocks, and Astralite will now drop from Gold Ore blocks.
- Added Tigris, a Legendary shotgun. Obtained by defeating Y'razotj the Destroyer.
- Added The Slow Death, a Legendary Sniper Rifle. Obtained by defeating Z'Lyrkorth the Devourer.
- Added The Laser, an Iridescent weapon. Obtained by defeating any boss.